Alumni Perspectives

On this page, 你会发现一些来自波胆网站职业后职业治疗项目校友的语录. Learn more about what makes our program unique and valuable.

"Phenomenal OTD program."

Prior to starting this program, 我注意到职业上的不公正,但没有意识到我可以做些什么. As a result of Chatham's phenomenal OTD program, 我知道作为一名职业治疗师,我可以在我的工作场所成为变革推动者, in the community, and globally.

—Monica Cainion, OTD '17

"A better set of skills. A more well-rounded practitioner."

When I reflect back on the beginning of the OTD journey in January 2016, if feels like forever ago, yet just yesterday at the same time. 毕业的纯粹喜悦并没有完全打动我,直到上周我在书店拿起我的徽章,一个女人喊道:“祝贺你,博士. B!"

我可以自信地说,我有一套更好的技能,以使我成为一个更全面的从业者. I enhanced my knowledge through a greater focus on evidence-based practice, educational technology and leadership skills. 这门课程提醒了我为自己设定目标的重要性,这样才能完成我在专业和个人方面都充满激情的事情.

我关于健康素养主题的顶点项目影响了我接近和治疗每个个体化患者的方式. 在这方面有了更多的知识,改变了我与患者日常沟通的方式. I am much more aware of health literacy 以及它对治疗干预和整个卫生保健系统的总体影响.

Looking ahead to the future, 我想担任一名辅助职业治疗教授. This is the primary reason I set out on this doctoral journey. 我仍然想保持我的临床技能,同时承担新的教育角色. Education is empowering; it creates a new inspiration for the continued commitment of being a life-long learner.

—Alexa Bevacqua, OTD '17

"Ready to Think Big?"

In 1996, 我获得了职业治疗的学士学位,并很快发现了我对学习和教学的渴望. 我获得硕士学位是为了能够在一个OT项目中教书,我非常享受这段经历. 

十年后,当我成为一个职业治疗助理项目的项目主任时,我意识到我也想要一个博士学位. 我确定我的兴趣是应用研究,并且知道我正在寻找一个职业治疗项目的博士学位,这个项目的范围足够广泛,可以让我全面提升自己的技能.

When I enrolled at Chatham University, I received a welcome folder in the mail with large print that said, "Ready to Think Big?" 我已经在许多不同的环境中实践了将近20年,我可以说,在波胆网站期间,我的教授和同学们都鼓励我要有远大的抱负.

我不知道由于我的学术经历和我得到的鼓励,我开始思考自己的可能性有多大. 我可以向你保证,我会把在这里学到的经验应用到我的客户身上, in my patient safety business, and with my students at the University where I teach part-time. I was well-prepared to think big!

—Steven Eberth, OTD '15

"Chatham had everything that I had been looking for."


When online occupational therapy programs started opening I looked again, but the cost continued to keep me from applying. 随着我在厄瓜多尔待的时间越来越长,许多在线课程的现场部分也让我犹豫了,因为我担心我不能把现场课程安排在我的日程中.

一封关于查塔姆的企业合作伙伴项目的明信片促使我再次关注查塔姆. I quickly realized that Chatham had everything that I had been looking for, flexibility to meet my needs as an international practitioner, 循证实践和职业科学课程,以及一个我可以围绕非传统工作场所需求设计的顶点项目.

—Elaine Keane, OTD '15

"Took me to places I never imagined I would or could be."


I have learned so much more about the OT profession, such as the occupational therapy practice framework, the Centennial vision, and the evolving profession of occupational science. This journey has 为我提供了作为职业治疗师探索其他途径的工具和资源: 能够对循证实践原则进行文献检索和分析; I am comfortable using different types of technology 提供教育资源,加强学习和卫生知识; 作为一名职业治疗师,我认识到有必要提高我对那些可能被职业剥夺或边缘化的人的认识, 找到提高他们职业表现和幸福感的方法; I am more aware of the wealth of local and national resources available such as, 赠款和贷款可用于扩大职业治疗服务的范围,以促进健康和福祉, and reduce health disparities in the communities; I am driven to think outside of my traditional way of thinking, from an individual to a group service delivery.

作为一名职业治疗师,我认识到我的整体护理方法对医疗保健和非医疗保健组织都是一笔巨大的财富, and preventative services can have a positive impact on people's lives.

—Teina Daley, OTD '17


Alumna Profile: Jillian Hamilton OTD '18

吉莉安·汉密尔顿的职业治疗项目之旅始于一位朋友的鼓励, and along the way, 她与同学之间的友情和老师们的指导帮助她走到了终点线. Now, 汉密尔顿正在利用从她的OT顶点项目中学到的知识来改善发育迟缓儿童的生活.

一个微笑的黑人的圆圈照片,背景是树木和绿色植物. The photo is on top of a purple slide that reads Alumni Profile.

Anderston St. Germain, OTD ‘17

“I thought it was very good,” he says “Especially Dr. Jennifer Lape. She was very consistent, very insightful. 我甚至有一次给她发邮件,问她是如何在我们所有项目如此不同的情况下给出如此好的见解的! I always felt like her feedback was like ‘Wow, that’s exactly what I needed to hear’ to guide me in what I was doing. 其他教授和班级也很好——非常灵活,非常乐于助人,非常积极.”