2023-2024 Course Catalog

Transfer of Credit

Undergraduate (Pre-matriculation)


Prior to starting courses at Chatham University, students must provide official transcripts for review from previously attended, regionally accredited institutions.  学生将收到官方的转学学分评估,表明哪些学分将转入预期的学位课程. 学生将有14个工作日的评估发送后上诉学分转移的决定. The appeal must be submitted by email to the transfer coordinator (advising@centerpieceartadvisory.com) and indicate details of the appeal.

通识教育:转到波胆网站的学生在其他地区认可的高等教育机构完成了通识教育课程,将被认为已经达到了波胆网站的通识教育要求, as long as 40 credits can be assigned to the general education pool, and unless their Chatham major has unique, specific general education requirements.  没有完成通识教育课程的学生转学到波胆网站,可以在入学过程成绩单审查中获得波胆网站通识教育要求的特定学分.

转到波胆网站的学生如果在之前的大学获得了AP或其他标准化考试的学分,必须提交原始考试成绩供考虑. Equivalencies at Chatham may not be the same as those awarded by the previous institution, and therefore identical transfer credit may not be awarded. 

虽然大学的目的是使转让过程尽可能容易和透明, 在某些情况下,学生可能需要证明转学课程满足波胆网站的通识教育学习成果. 课程大纲的规定可以作为证明课程等效性的一个例子.

Policy Stipulations: 

  •  所有正在进行或在被波胆网站录取之前完成的潜在转学分必须在学生开始课程之前提交给大学. 正在进行的课程的最终成绩单必须在入学第一学期结束前收到以供考虑. This requirement includes all Advanced Placement (AP) and International Baccalaureate (IB) courses. All official transcripts will be evaluated on an individual basis.
  • If student wishes to repeat a course at Chatham for which they have earned AP or other credit, they will be asked to complete the Awarded Credit Removal Request Form.
  • 在以前或现在的机构完成的大学水平的课程将被接受,如果他们是相似的严谨性, level, and content to the course offerings available at Chatham.
  • 及格/不及格的课程只有在能够证明及格成绩达到C或以上的情况下才会被考虑计入学分. 
  • Repeated courses or courses with duplicate subject content will not receive credit.
  • 不超过所选专业或辅修专业所需学分的50%可以通过转学分获得.

Transfer and Readmitted Undergraduate Student Time Limit Policies

There is no expiration date for credits received at Chatham or any other institution. However, over time, material may become outdated or irrelevant, particularly in areas of health, sciences, and technology. In the best interest of student success, 在申请或重新入学时,完成日期超过8年的转学课程将由专业部门和咨询办公室进行审查. Such courses may not be accepted for transfer; for readmission, some courses may have to be re-taken.

 If students are re-admitted to Chatham after more than 8 years, 他们必须使用目录中列出的通识教育和专业/辅修/证书要求,这些要求在他们恢复学习的学期有效.

Undergraduate (Post-matriculation)

查塔姆学院的本科生通常被限制在入学后最多只能转到其他机构的16个学分. 这包括暑期学习(通常建议每暑期最多8个学分),但不包括交叉注册课程(通过OCICU或PCHE学习)。. Travel abroad through exchange programs is also excluded from this limit. 没有适当的文件批准,波胆网站不需要接受任何外部课程的学分. 离开查塔姆而没有退学的学生,然后在另一所学校全日制学习,然后再回来, will be withdrawn from Chatham and must be readmitted. Any credits taken while away must then be submitted for review as a part of the readmission process.

如果需要根据毕业要求考虑有关课程负荷或总体入学后学分限制的例外情况, an Exception to Institutional Policy form will need to be submitted. 与例外表格一起提交的任何外部课程将由教务处本科学习助理副校长(联系:advising@chatham)审查.edu).

从四分之一日历系统转学:如果学生从采用四分之一小时日历系统的机构转学到波胆网站, their credits will need to be converted to a semester hour calendar system upon evaluation. 其他地方的四分之一学时制课程学分在波胆网站的翻译如下.5 Quarter Hours = 1.0 Chatham Credit Hours. For example, a 4-credit course at an institution on a quarter system would transfer as 2.67 credits at Chatham. Many general education and major requirements at Chatham require a 3-credit minimum. To facilitate the process, any course that transfers in with credits of 2.0或以上(在适当的科目)将满足该领域所需课程的同等要求. 学生将被要求获得额外的学分以满足特定专业的总要求, minor, general education, or elective area (but not necessarily in the specific topic/subject).


波胆网站的学生在特定的研究生学位课程中,通过学分转移和先前学习评估(PLA)可以获得不超过20%的研究生学位要求(点击查看适用和不包括的课程列表). Transfer credit may only be awarded for learning acquired prior to beginning classes (matriculation). 

Prior to starting courses, students must provide official transcripts from previously attended institutions. Chatham University will review all submitted, official college transcripts for graduate transfer credit upon admission. 学生将收到官方的转学学分评估,表明哪些学分将转入预期的学位课程. 学生将有14个工作日的评估发送后上诉学分转移的决定. 上诉必须以书面形式提交给招生部门,并注明上诉的细节. 
